
Download links for 802.11 or other sniffer captures

Categories : Capture Download
SLCapture DescriptionDownload Link
0Full Wi-FI All CapturesLink
1Extract Live Football matchLink
3Legacy PS-POLLLink
4Legacy Non PS-POLLLink
5No SecurityLink
Download links table for sniffer captures

♥♥If you have any doubts or query please let me know in comment section or send mail at feedback@wifisharks.com.♥♥

2 comments on “Download links for 802.11 or other sniffer captures


    • February 13, 2022 at 7:14 pm

    Hi Bamdeb ,
    Is it possible to connect the mobile of different country code to the Indian AP ?
    mobile cc = ID (Indonesia ) , AP cc = IN .
    If yes , is there any possibility change is speeds (link speed ) . Or mobile won’t connect to the AP ?
    Regards ,


      • April 23, 2022 at 11:27 am

      **Is it possible to connect the mobile of different country code to the Indian AP ?**
      [Bamdeb] I do not see any problem here. It should connect. We can change “Region Code/Country Code” from AP web page if it is required. This region code [EX: IN, EU , US etc] is for restrict channels.

      **mobile cc = ID (Indonesia ) , AP cc = IN .**
      [Bamdeb] Ok.

      **If yes , is there any possibility change is speeds (link speed ) . Or mobile won’t connect to the AP ?**
      [Bamedb] There will not be any change in link speed. Only point is channel restriction.
      Example: If you want to use DFS channel [Ex: channel 52] in AP , you need to select country code as EU [Europe] in some AP [Ex: Netgear R7000, 7800] or channel 52 will not visible if other country code [Ex: IN] is selected in AP web page.

      Another example: All channels are available by default for RT-ax88U ASUS. Here we can not change region code [No option].

      If you have something different observation . Please share.


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